Applied Simulation and Optimization Vol3: Innovative Applications In Logistics, Industrial, and Aeronautical Practice
Editors: Dr. Miguel Mujica Mota, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Dr. Idalia Flores, National University of Mexico, Mexico
Invited Editor: Dr. Gabriel Wainer, Carleton University, Canada
Simulation is a well-known approach that can have different abstraction levels and can integrate different elements of a studied system. It consists in the development of a representation of a system (logistics one, manufacturing, operative, etc.) using modelling formalisms, off-the-shelf software programs, or programming languages. It is commonly used at an industrial level to obtain a better understanding of the studied system. With the use of the model different experiments may be carried out in order to test different research questions, such as the performance of new configurations, identify bottlenecks in the current system, and inefficiencies that are perceived as an increase in operative costs. Unfortunately, the experiments alone cannot ensure the optimal configurations for the objective pursued (allocation of resources, minimizing operative costs, increase throughput etc.). On the other hand, optimization techniques are very-well-accepted techniques which consist in the representation of the problem under study taking into account only the key variables, dependencies, and restrictions of a problem. The main argument against them is that the abstraction process often leaves out of the scope some key elements that participate and affect the performance of a system, giving, as a result, a potential optimal solution that sometimes results difficult or impossible to implement in the real system.
The book will present techniques, case studies, and methodologies that combine the use of simulation approaches with optimization techniques for facing problems in manufacturing, logistics, or aeronautical problems, which aim at overcoming the shortcomings of both approaches through the combination of them. The book will present detailed techniques and research studies that cope with common industrial problems in several fields, which range from manufacturing to aviation problems, where the common denominator is the combination of simulation’s flexibility with optimization techniques’ robustness.
The benefit to the reader will be a comprehensive guide to tackle similar problems in industrial environments. The problems presented will serve only as an example, but methodologies used by the scientific community will be of high value in order to cope with complex problems.
Topics of Interest
- Supply Chain
- Manufacturing
- Transportation
- Aeronautical Operations (Terminal, Side, Services)
- Facility Location
- Routing Problems
- Simulation-Optimization Methodologies
- Urban logistics
- Ports and Sea Transport
- Use of Big Data with SIM-OPT
Schedule & Deadlines
The volume is under preparation, if you want to submit a potential chapter, please contact the editors. m.mujica.mota@hva.nl